Company The name “Wort & Zahl” reflects my philosophy. From letters to numbers Principles rule the regulated world: IFRS 17, the EU-regulation on Solvency 2 and various other topics are based on principles. All of these frameworks were developed to be applied in a variety of fundamentally different markets and thus need to be interpreted for each country and for each product. There is no standard solution that could replace experience and patience. My consulting company Wort & Zahl is backed up by my many years of practical experience as an actuary and financial modeler. I have analysed valuation guidance for more than 20 years and will be happy to help you make the best choices for your company. From numbers to letters The full benefits of any calculation are only realised if the result is understood by all stakeholders. Management, investors, regulators and internal departments have different expectations and knowledge. Clear communication of actuarial information oriented towards the recipient is as important as the content itself. I therefore place great importance on effective communication.